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The Effect of Martial Law Dictatorship

Martial Law Dictatorship,Effect of Martial Law Dictatorship

Martial law is a type of government where military officials have complete control over civilians. It’s been used in many countries around the world, but its history dates back to ancient Rome. Martial law has been used throughout history by different governments for various reasons, some have been successful while others were not so great. The Philippines’ experience with martial law lasted from 1972-1981 under then-president Ferdinand Marcos and it was very controversial for many reasons including human rights violations against Filipinos who opposed his regime or simply disagreed with him politically. In this article, we’ll discuss how martial law works within our current constitution and why it was created in the first place.

Martial Law Dictatorship an Overview

Martial law dictatorship An overview. Martial law is a form of military rule or the temporary application of military power within certain territories, usually in the face of an emergency. Martial law can be used by governments to deal with public safety issues and some other domestic problems. Martial law may be declared in cases of major natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods, serious public health emergencies; riots or other violent disturbances, terrorist attacks, or incidences of H1N1 influenza (swine flu). It may also be imposed if there is insufficient capacity for civilian authorities to maintain order.

Martial Law and the Legalities of Constitutionality

Martial law, as it’s known today, is a temporary provision of the current constitution. It was created to meet the political and social needs of the people during times of emergency. Martial law can only be declared when there are threats from outside forces that threaten our national security. Martial Law was not always used this way though. In fact, its original purpose was quite different from what we know today:

  • During colonial rule (1565-1898), martial law served as an instrument for controlling populations within territories controlled by Spain and Portugal; it was used primarily on indigenous populations who resisted colonization efforts or rebelled against imperial authority;
  • During World War II (1939-1945), Japanese forces imposed martial law over large parts of Southeast Asia including Singapore a British colony at the time and Malaysia;

Martial Law is a Temporary Provision of the Current Constitution

Martial law is a temporary provision of the current constitution. It can be declared by the President when there is imminent danger to public safety, or when rebellion or invasion occurs. Martial law is used to restore peace and order, protect people against violence, and safeguard their property. The declaration of martial law must be approved by Congress within 30 days after its proclamation. If Congress does not approve it, then it automatically expires after 60 days; otherwise, it continues until lifted by the President or revoked by Congress through another process provided in Article VII Section 18 (2).

Martial Law was Created to Meet the Political and Social Needs of the People

Martial Law is a temporary provision of the current constitution. It was created to meet the political and social needs of the people, especially during times of crisis. Martial law should not be used as a means to oppress or suppress people’s rights and liberties; rather, it should be utilized as an instrument for protecting these rights and liberties during times when they are threatened by external forces.

Martial Law allows certain powers that may not be available under normal circumstances: such as curtailing press freedom, suspending habeas corpus (right against unlawful imprisonment), imposing a curfew on residents within military jurisdiction areas, restricting travel between provinces or regions without prior approval from military commanders stationed at checkpoints along highways leading out of said provinces/regions; authorizing warrantless searches without probable cause; ordering mandatory evacuation orders in disaster-stricken areas where imminent danger exists due to flooding caused by heavy rains resulting from typhoons passing through nearby waterspouts

Martial Law, as created by the current constitution, is meant to be used in certain situations

The martial law dictatorship provision in the current constitution is meant to be used in certain situations. These include:

  • To meet the political and social needs of the people, including rebellion or invasion.
  • To suppress insurrection or rebellion;

Martial Law was created by our founding fathers because they wanted a country where there would be peace and order. They did not want any one person taking over power just because he can do so easily. Martial Law should only be used when there is an imminent threat against our security as a nation or if there is a need for public safety against crime and disorder


In conclusion, the martial law dictatorship is a powerful tool that can be used by government officials in certain situations. However, it must be used wisely and responsibly because if not it could lead to corruption or abuse of power. In the end, it is clear that martial law has had a detrimental impact on the Philippines. The current president is not likely to repeal the law in his second term, but perhaps there is still hope for future generations as more Filipinos become aware of its dangers.